Why we do it

Brighter Together is an intergenerational charity, bringing together older people with Early Years children for regular, activity-based sessions. These are proven to have mutual benefit to wellbeing whilst also supporting the development of the children.


Spending time engaged in meaningful activities in intergenerational groups has proven benefits to wellbeing of participants.

Life Chances

Children's life chances are improved through regular interaction with those over 65.

Social Cohesion

Intergenerational learning encourages greater understanding and respect between the generations and helps to bridge the 'generational divide'.

UK society is increasingly age segregated and there are stark and concerning generational gaps creating more social isolation and less social cohesion.
Loneliness and depression is on the rise and the proportion of over 70’s experiencing depression has doubled since the start of the pandemic. The leading cause of depression is social isolation and lack of purposeful activity.
We also know that children have less opportunity to have regular connections with over 65’s, putting them at a disadvantage in terms of:
1) Confidence 
3) Concentration
2) Communication skills
4) School readiness