Key Statistics

Sessions Delivered

Early Years Children Have Participated
Older People Have Participated

Read Our latest impact report:

Key Outcomes :

100% of our partners would recommend our programme to another care setting or nursery school.

Key Outcomes for children :

  • 100% of children made noticeable improvement in their social wellbeing as a result of being part of our programme.
  • 94% of children made noticeable improvement in their emotional wellbeing as a result of being part of our programme.
  • 81% of children made noticeable improvement in their development (against the EYFS characteristics of effective learning) as a result of being part of our programme.


Key Outcomes for older people :

  • 100% of older people made noticeable improvement in their social wellbeing as a result of being part of our programme.
  • 77% of older people made noticeable improvement in their emotional wellbeing as a result of being part of our programme.

Case Study :

“Lilian is part of our Wednesday group and is someone who the care home have assessed as having high levels of social isolation and very low wellbeing. She spends the majority of each day in her room alone on her bed as she chooses not to socialise with the other residents or engage in other activities. Most days she chooses not to get dressed and stays in her pyjamas. But Lilian is always asking staff which day she will be speaking to the nursery children. Every Wednesday morning she’s up, dressed and sat with the other residents in the lounge ready and waiting for the session. She spends time chatting with the other residents beforehand and then is actively engaged with the children throughout. Afterwards, Lilian will spend another hour with the other group members having a cup of tea and talking about the children and what they’ve done together. Staff say she’s far more sociable, engaged during the sessions and her motivation is much higher on Wednesdays.”

As Lilian says herself: “It’s so lovely to see the children. They just make you feel better.”

Testimonials :

"I always had high hopes of a project like this, but this has exceeded those expectations. This is wonderful work that every child and senior citizen should be able to experience."
Claudia Neves – Headteacher

“It is the sunshine in my week”
Jon – Care home resident

"During the sessions everyone smiles. The residents are calmer, more communicative, and happier after each session. Our residents have created beautiful connections with the children and during the week they always talk about their friends from nursery."
Antonela - Care Home Activity Coordinator